Sportsbook Mobile App
- Scope Mobile App
- Role Product Designer
- Tools Figma, After effects
- Duration 3 Months<
The Product
Atlas Mobile sportsbook is an online gambling application that combines all sorts of gaming and betting activities to ensure a delightful experience.
At the moment, I have started working on the product’s mobile version. The desktop version has been online for a couple of months On B2C, and B2B, so based on the success of the desktop version company decided to expand the product by incorporating the mobile version of the product.
The process has started in consideration that the mobile version should be as good and features saturated as the desktop application was with the same user-friendly manner.
My Role
Competitive analysis
User interviews
Visual design
Usability testing
When I have started working on the mobile version I already had a considerable amount of data from the desktop version like general players preferences, pain points, motivational aspects, and benchmarking results So Huge chunk of the process has been skipped like learning the flow preferences localisation issues, and overall image of the industry at that time period.
First things first, we started from initial stakeholders interviews. Lots of great ideas have been suggested visual vise and conception vise, turned out the mobile field is more entertaining to design experience for, even for that king of busy people.
However, gathering all information together I and the project manager started to narrowing down the list of the main requirements and prioritizing it. Even though we had lots of information from the desktop version still there were some missing bits of information related to the mobile users…
Questionary comes next, we needed specific information so we were forced to prepare questions the way answers would be as informative as possible since our main goal was to determine what are the most satisfying aspects of a play and how to provide them to a user.
I interviewed 12 experienced persons from 28 to 40 as based on our research that was the main audience.
-How often do you use gambling applications on your phone?
-Is there a specific timeframe when you are using gambling applications?
-How concentrated you are on the sports game when you have a bet on it?
-Which content providers do you use, tell me about their applications?
-What do you like about them?
-What you do not like about them?
-What are you typically doing along with the game when you bet on it?
-How often are you betting on unfamiliar events/sports
-Tell me about your first betting experience, what was the most memorable part of it?
-Tell me about your last betting experience, what was the most memorable part of it?
And while the quant data is great, the qualitative answers were the stars of the show, we received a tone of valuable insides that really put us on rails.
” I often bet on top-rated events”
” I feel emotional connectional with the team/Player I have bet on.”
” I like to watch the game in a company”
The first deduction we may come up with is the fact that social aspect involvement is a thing and it is worth paying attention to.
And that the emotional connection is one of the most important aspects of a playful experience for interviewed persons.
Based on insights and empathy mapping we decided to emphasize more the suggestion and incorporate the look-alike algorithm to suggest more relevant events to a user, this algorithm is already shown its reliability on an online casino section of the platform.